
Corporate Training

Companies choose Shipley for onsite, tailored training to orient new employees or build long-term, sustainable capability of staff and leadership. Our full range of workshop offerings gives clients flexibility to bring stand-alone workshops to their facility or combine workshops for a tailored learning experience.

All Shipley trainings are exercise-intensive using proven adult learning theory. Participants receive tools and templates that are immediately helpful in performing sales, capture, and proposal development tasks. Each training also includes one of Shipley’s award-winning guidebooks to reinforce best practices and principles taught in the workshop.

Winning Sales Proposals

2-day Training
This training focuses on short turn-around proposals in either a business-to-business or a task order response environment. The training builds on any sales methodology, teaching how to transition from sales strategy to proposal strategy.

Winning Executive Summaries

1-day Training
Learn to rapidly and easily develop executive summaries addressing your customer’s most important issues. Complete an actual executive summary during the training.

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Shipley onsite training


„Your workshop began by giving us the knowledge and tools of what it takes to win in today’s competitive markets, and concluded by building our confidence that we can succeed. Shipley provided the best instructor I have had in the 22 years I have served in the military and 11 years in the business world. You truly “set the bar” with your quality instruction.“

~Director Contract Support Services, KePRO



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